040-23132801 dsttec@uohyd.ac.in

LAB Facilities

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) supported Technology Enabling Centre at University of Hyderabad (DST-TEC-UoH) initiated a programme to bring facilities of academia, regional, national laboratories on a single platform for the effective utilization and income generation. Local Industries can utilize this Instrumentation facility for their research and innovation to upgrade their products. The Technology Enabling Centre (TEC-UoH) is seeking the information about facilities and equipments available at Labs/Schools/Departments/ Centre and with Faculty.

LaboGene Scanvac CoolSafe

Perkin elmer aanalyst 400

CAMAG TLC scanner

FT -IR perkin elmer

FT-IR Bruker Alpha

Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectrophotometer


GC-MS – Agilent Technologies

Agilent Technologies MS-TOF

LC-MS& MS – Agilent Technologies

Thermo Vaccum system

Biacore T200 SPR sensor

 IPGphor 3

Typhoon Trio +


Electrophoresis unit

Bruker MicrOTOF

Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer

AKTA Pilot

 Applied Biosystems 6100 nucleic Prep station ABI PRISM

Applied biosystems steponeplus

Autoflex III Smartbeam

Beckman Coultar-Avanti J-26 XP

BTX harvard apparatus



Eppendorf epMotion 5070 Automated Pipetting System

 Eppendorf realplex 4 qPCR Real Time Cycler 96-Well

G-BOX EF Imaging System

Gene amp Pcr System 9700

Glomax 96 microplate luminometer

Infinite M200 Pro

Leica HC

Lightcycler 480 Roche

Molecular Dynamics Typhoon 9410 Variable Mode Imager System

Nanosight ns500

Omnigrid Accent

Optima Max-XP Ultracentrifuge

Optima XPN-100 Ultracentrifuge

Stratagene uv stratalinker 1800

Thermal cycler – PCR

ZEISS LSM T-PMT Confocal Microscope


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